
Podman #

Introduction #

containerd is an industry-standard core container runtime that is an integral part of many container orchestration systems, including Kubernetes. It provides the basic functionalities needed to manage container lifecycles on a host system.

Key features of containerd include:

  • Lightweight and Efficient: containerd focuses on simplicity and minimalism, providing a lightweight and efficient runtime for managing containers.
  • High Performance: It is designed for performance and stability, making it suitable for high-scale, production environments.
  • Extensible and Pluggable: containerd supports a wide range of container technologies and is easily extendable with plugins for advanced functionality.

containerd is widely adopted in cloud-native environments, offering a robust and scalable solution for managing container lifecycles across diverse infrastructure setups. containerd is considered as a low-level containerization platform with standard APIs to use, so it’s not as human-friendly as Docker and Podman.

Learning Resources #

Since containerd is a low-level container runtime, there are not many learning resources for it.

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