Apache Mesos

Apache Mesos #

Introduction #

Apache Mesos is a powerful, open-source cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications or frameworks. Mesos is designed to abstract away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers and operators to focus on building and deploying applications. Its architecture is built on a two-level scheduling paradigm, where Mesos handles resource allocation across the entire cluster, while individual frameworks like Apache Marathon or Apache Aurora manage the scheduling of tasks within their respective domains. This flexibility makes Mesos well-suited for running diverse workloads, from long-running services to batch jobs and even big data processing tasks.

The architecture of Apache Mesos centers around its master and agent nodes. The Mesos master node manages the allocation of resources and coordinates the activities of agent nodes, which run the actual application tasks. Frameworks interact with the Mesos master to obtain resources and deploy tasks on the agent nodes. Mesos supports fine-grained resource management, including CPU, memory, and disk, ensuring optimal utilization of cluster resources. Additionally, Mesos offers high availability through its master election process and fault tolerance by automatically rescheduling failed tasks. Its robust and scalable design, combined with support for container orchestration and integration with various big data and microservices frameworks, makes Apache Mesos a versatile choice for organizations looking to manage complex, heterogeneous environments.

Learning Resources #

Here are some learning resources for Apache Mesos:

Books #

Courses #

Miscellaneous #